School of Creative Perfumery
Perfumery education and training in Glastonbury UK, Spain and online.
Working with Natural Isolates
Natural isolates are chemical molecules found within essential oils and other natural ingredients used in perfumery. They're useful to add complexity to natural perfumes, and are key to creating certain notes or olfactory effects that can't be achieved with whole oils, e.g., ozonic and ethereal floral notes. Suitable for perfumery students who are already experienced and confident in the use of essential oils, absolutes, CO2 extracts and other perfumery ingredients, which won't be studied during the course.
Introduction to Natural Perfumery: Indpendednt Study
This independent study course will teach you everything you need to start creating your own natural perfumes at home, and it will give you a strong foundation for more advanced study, should you wish to continue your perfumery education.
Although it’s designed as a 4 week course, you’ll be able to access the course for 6 months following enrolment.
Perfumes and Incense of Ancient Egypt
A fascinating journey through time.
Learn about the role of fragrance in Ancient Egypt, and study some of the most ancient perfume and incense formulae that have survived the passing of time.
Study the key ingredients used in fragrant preparations, how and why they’ve changed, and how you can recreate and reinterpret ancient Egyptian fragrance using historical sources and modern perfumery tools.